What is the CIPP Process?

Cured-in-Place Pipe rehabilitation is the process of insetting a resin saturate felt liner into a damaged or leaking pipe. It is then expanded to fit the interior of the host pipe,Hot water, steam or UV light is then used to activate, then cure, the resins until the liner become a pipe-within-a pipe. Laterals are reinstated using a robotic tool. Once the newly lined pipe section is inspected, it is placed back into service after just a few hours. The CIPP Lined pipe is now seamlessly molded to the host pipe, preventing infiltration and exfiltration, restoring the structural integrity of the pipeline, and eliminating weakening joints.

CIPP H20®: Responding to the Need for Cost-Effective Water Main Renewal

In response to growing demand, CIPP Corp. offers the newest innovation in CIPP liners for potable water applications. CIPP H20® was developed in partnership with United Felts, a global leader in CIPP liner design and manufacturing, to deliver an NSF-certified liner system for potable water main rehabilitation.


  • Constructed for potable water applications that comply with NSF 61, BNQ and other applicable standards.
  • Fiberglass reinforcement provides dynamic, self-supporting properties.
  • Can be engineered to perform in pressure systems as a stand-alone AWWA Class IV pipe.
  • Maximum pressure will depend on size and design criteria, but typically pressures exceeding 150 psi | 10.34 bar can be accommodated.
  • Uses trusted Industry leading designs and construction methods, so impregnation and installation is quick and easy.
  • Manufactured in partnership with the world’s leader in CIPP solutions.
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